



(auth-challenge sess-id auth-key auth-secret)
Generates a challenge hash used by the client to sign the secret.


(authorized? sess-id category topic perm-cb)
Checks if the session is authorized for a message category and topic.


(broadcast-event! topic event excludes)
Sends an event message to all clients in a topic but those excluded.


(client-auth-requested? sess-id)
Checks if the authreq call has already occurred.


(client-authenticated? sess-id)
Checks if authentication has occurred.



(emit-event! topic event includes)
Sends an event message to specific clients in a topic


(get-topic-clients topic)




(hmac-sha-256 key data)
Generates a HMAC SHA256 hash.


(http-kit-handler channel callbacks-map)
Sets up the necessary http-kit websocket event handlers
for use with the WAMP sub-protocol. Returns a WAMP client session id.

Example usage:

  (http-kit/with-channel req channel
    (if-not (:websocket? req)
      (http-kit/close channel)
      (http-kit-handler channel
        {:on-open        on-open-fn
         :on-close       on-close-fn

         :on-auth        {:allow-anon?     false         ; allow anonymous authentication?
                          :timeout         20000         ; close connection if not authenticated
                                                         ; (default 20 secs)
                          :secret          auth-secret-fn
                          :permissions     auth-permissions-fn}

         :on-call        {(rpc-url "add")      +         ; map topics to rpc functions
                          (rpc-url "echo")     identity
                          :on-before           on-before-call-fn
                          :on-after-error      on-after-call-error-fn
                          :on-after-success    on-after-call-success-fn}

         :on-subscribe   {(evt-url "chat")     on-subscribe-fn? ; allowed to subscribe?
                          (evt-url "prefix*")  true             ; match topics by prefix
                          (evt-url "sub-only") true             ; implicitly allowed
                          (evt-url "pub-only") false            ; subscription is denied
                          :on-after            on-after-subscribe-fn};

         :on-publish     {(evt-url "chat")     on-publish-fn   ; custom event broker
                          (evt-url "prefix*")  true            ; pass events through as-is
                          (evt-url "sub-only") false           ; publishing is denied
                          (evt-url "pub-only") true
                          :on-after            on-after-publish-fn}

         :on-unsubscribe on-unsubscribe-fn})))

Callback signatures:

  (on-open-fn sess-id)
  (on-close-fn sess-id status)

  (auth-secret-fn sess-id auth-key auth-extra)
    Provide the authentication secret for the key (ie. username) and
    (optionally) extra information from the client. Return nil if the key
    does not exist.

  (auth-permissions-fn sess-id auth-key)
    Returns a map of permissions the session is granted when the authentication
    succeeds for the given key.

    The permission map should be comprised of the topics that are allowed
    for each category:

      {:rpc       {"http://example/rpc#call";    true}
       :subscribe {"http://example/event#allow"; true
                   "http://example/event#deny";  false}
       :publish   {"http://example/event#allow"; true}}

    ...or you can allow all category topics:

      {:all true}

    ...or allow/deny all topics within a category:

      {:rpc       true
       :subscribe false
       :publish   true}

  (rpc-call ...)
    Can have any signature. The parameters received from the client will be applied as-is.
    The client session is also available in the bound *call-sess-id* var.
    The function may return a value as is, or in a result map: {:result "my result"},
    or as an error map: {:error {:uri "";
                                 :message "Test error"
                                 :description "Test error description"
                                 :kill false}} ; true will close the connection after send

  (on-before-call-fn sess-id topic call-id call-params)
    To allow call, return params as vector: [sess-id topic call-id call-params]
    To deny, return nil/false.

  (on-after-call-error-fn sess-id topic call-id error)
    Return params as vector: [sess-id topic call-id error]

  (on-after-call-success-fn sess-id topic call-id result)
    Return params as vector: [sess-id topic call-id result]

  (on-subscribe-fn? sess-id topic)
    Return true to allow client to subscribe, false to deny.

  (on-after-subscribe-fn sess-id topic)
    No return values required.

  (on-publish-fn sess-id topic event exclude eligible)
    To allow publish, return params as vector: [sess-id topic event exclude eligible]
    To deny, return nil/false.

  (on-after-publish-fn sess-id topic event exclude eligible)
    No return values required.

  (on-unsubscribe-fn sess-id topic)
    No return values required.


(origin-match? origin-re req)
Compares a regular expression against the Origin: header.
Used to help protect against CSRF, but do not depend on just
this check. Best to use a server-generated CSRF token for comparison.


(send-abort! sess-id details-dict reason-uri)
Sends an ABORT message to abort opening a session.


(send-call-result! sess-id call-id result)
Sends a WAMP call result message to a websocket client.
[RESULT, CALL.Request|id, Details|dict]
[RESULT, CALL.Request|id, Details|dict, YIELD.Arguments|list]
[RESULT, CALL.Request|id, Details|dict, YIELD.Arguments|list, YIELD.ArgumentsKw|dict]


(send-error! sess-id call-id error-info error-uri)
Sends a WAMP call error message to a websocket client.
[ERROR, CALL, CALL.Request|id, Details|dict, Error|uri]
[ERROR, CALL, CALL.Request|id, Details|dict, Error|uri, Arguments|list]
[ERROR, CALL, CALL.Request|id, Details|dict, Error|uri, Arguments|list, ArgumentsKw|dict]


(send-event! topic event)
Sends an event message to all clients in topic.
[EVENT, SUBSCRIBED.Subscription|id, PUBLISHED.Publication|id,
[EVENT, SUBSCRIBED.Subscription|id, PUBLISHED.Publication|id,
     Details|dict, PUBLISH.Arguments|list]
[EVENT, SUBSCRIBED.Subscription|id, PUBLISHED.Publication|id,
     Details|dict, PUBLISH.Arguments|list, PUBLISH.ArgumentKw|dict]


(send-goodbye! sess-id details-dict reason-uri)
Send a GOODBYE message


(send-subscribed! sess-id request-id subscription-id)
Sends a WAMP SUBSCRIBED message to a websocket client.
[SUBSCRIBED, SUBSCRIBE.Request|id, Subscription|id]


(send-welcome! sess-id)
Sends a WAMP welcome message to a websocket client.
[WELCOME, Session|id, Details|dict]



(subprotocol? proto req)
Checks if a protocol string exists in the Sec-WebSocket-Protocol
list header.



(topic-subscribe topic sess-id request-id)
Subscribes a websocket session to a topic.


(topic-unsubscribe topic sess-id)
Unsubscribes a websocket session from a topic.



(with-channel-validation request ch-name origin-re & body)
Replaces the HTTP Kit `with-channel` macro. Does extra validation
to match the wamp subprotocol and origin URL matching.

Example usage:

  (defn my-wamp-handler [request]
    (wamp/with-channel-validation request channel #"https?://myhost"
      (wamp/http-kit-handler channel { ... })))

See org.httpkit.server for more information.